The Global Map of 3D Printing in Libraries was founded on January 9, 2015. The Map was originally conceived as a personal project to satisfy my curiosity about where 3D printers are located in libraries. Quickly it took off and became a source of use for people internationally. Submissions are gathered via Google web searches and direct submissions. I was a member of the Office of Information Technology Policy’s (OITP) 3D Printing Subcommittee at the time the Map was started.
Each color marker represents a different kind of library.
Reported Uses
* To argue for more funding from Congressional representatives
* To power the Enabling the Future’s Chapters and Libraries Map
* To help a man find a local printer for his parents to print objects while he was across the country
* To add authority during a job interview on hot library tech
Map Given to LITA
The LIbrary Information Technology Association (LITA) 3D Printing Interest Group was partially founded as a result of the Map. The Group is now known as the LITA Maker Technology Interest Group. I offered the Map to the group while still maintaining the backend. The Map’s backend spreadsheet was opened up to the public on January 20, 2016 after a vote at ALA Midwinter by members of the Interest Group. I was the Chair of the Group from 2015 to 2016 with Ryan Claringbole as my Co-Chair. The Group worked to develop a 3D printing resource for libraries including topics on policies, types of printers, novel uses, items to print, safety practices, training, marketing, printer management, and printing.
In 2017, the Map’s original website was migrated to LITA’s hosting services. The temporary (and semi-joke) name of the site is Find Me a 3D Printer until a better name is selected.
To Make a Submission
Please fill out the form. If you know of a library located in South America, Africa, or Asia, please send a submission. Those are the most desired locations at this time.